The center of Geneva early in the morning

The public park has huge game sets. I was tempted to play my cell phone chess game and move the pieces on the big board, but that might have looked weird playing by myself

The Jet d'Eau right when it was turned on

Same picture, 20 minutes later. Weather changes fast!

The Geneva town hall where the Geneva conventions was held in 1864

A model of Geneva while it still had its fortifications. This took some guy about 10 years to build

This is where they saw if accused witches weighed less than a duck

One of the many conference rooms in the UN buildings

The Peace Palace, former home to the League of Nations and now owned by the UN

That chair in front of the Peace Palace has one broken leg to symbolize something, but I don't remember what

One of the public parks has beehives, which strikes me as unsafe, but there it is

A great view of Mount Blanc, the highest mountain in Western Europe
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