The famous Prado art museum in Madrid, filled with awesome Spanish art

Attack of the zombie Pooh bears in the city park. They pose with kids for pictures for money.

The Crystal Palace, a small gallery in the city park. Strangely, you can take pictures from the outside looking in, but once on the other side of the glass, no cameras allowed.

Madrid City Hall

Street performers

Crowd watching a ballet in the public park

I don't know whether this street was decorated for the San Ysidro festival, or if it just always looks like this

Flamenco dancers, they put on a good show

The market in the middle of Barcelona

Statue of Christopher Colombus, who is important enough here to get a massive statue overlooking the harbor at the end of the main street

Some more weird city decor
Gaudi style buildings

Gaudi style hospital
The Barcelona cityscape from a Gaudi designed park above the city

And one last Gaudi designed house. Okay, enough Gaudi.